Belts and Rank in Karate

Added on 15 July 2021

In the martial arts it is common to use a system of coloured belts to recognise rank within the art. A beginner will typically start with a white belt and then work their way through various colours such as orange, red, yellow, green, blue, purple and brown until they reach the much sought-after bla...

What is the best martial art?

Added on 11 June 2020

There are lots of great martial arts available for people to choose from today. For most people martial arts are synonymous with the Japanese martial arts of Karate, Judo, Jujitsu and Aikido. The Korean arts of Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, the Muay Thai from Thailand or the various forms of Kung Fu from...

Karate and Coronavirus

Added on 18 May 2020

During the current lockdown due to Coronavirus, our club like so many others around the UK and the world have had to close our doors to training sessions at our normal venue. Thanks to modern technology we have been able to adapt to and overcome this situation and have been able to offer online less...